Netanyhu: “Mr. Secretary General, get the UNIFIL forces out of harm’s way”

UNIFIL, the United Nations Interim Force In Lebanon, has been requested many times by the IDF to evacuate from Southern Lebanon. Israel does not want any of the UNIFIL soldiers to be injured in the crossfire. However, the UN has refused to permit their evacuation. Today, PM Netanyahu called publicly for their removal.

Roma - Il Presidente della Repubblica Sergio Mattarella con il Segretario generale delle Nazioni Unite, S.E. il Signor António Guterres, oggi 29 ottobre 2021..(Foto di Paolo Giandotti - Ufficio per la Stampa e la Comunicazione della Presidenza della Repubblica)

In recent days, PM Netanyahu has been sending open public messages to diplomats and people around the world, in an effort to make his message clearly and strongly. Today, Netanyahu addressed Secretary-General of the UN Antonio Gutteres. He said that Israel has been requesting that the UN remove UNIFIL forces from Lebanon, but they have refused. This is turning those forces into hostages of Hezbollah. They are being used by Hezbollah as human shields.

Watch the full message in Hebrew with subtitles and some English.

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